Wednesday, 3 August 2011

12. Knowledge without enlightenment

[Quote] The Sage's warning and admonition to the present generation;

Now, I [Te Matorohanga] have another word to say; so you may be clear on this subject. Be very careful in reciting these valuable teachings that your ancestors have collected during the past generations right away from the period of Rangi [the Sky-father] and Papa [the Earth-mother] down to the present day.

Notwithstanding, that the teachings from the Whare-wānanga are now mere shreds, because they are no longer combined, some still remain whilst others are lost; some parts diverge [from the originals] and to some additions have been made.

This is in consequence of the decadence of the power, authority and prestige of the conduct of the various rituals, of the [abrogation of] the tapu, of the [unbelief in] the gods, until, at the present time, there is none of the ancient măna, or power left—all things have changed.

The tapu has ended; the true teaching has been lost; as well as the karakia [invocations, etc.], the meanings of which are now [comparatively] unknown. Because the tapu was all important—the first of all things; without it none of the powers of the gods were available, and without the aid of the gods all things are without authority and ineffectual;1 the [mind of man] is now in a state of confusion [literally, like a whirlwind], as are all his deeds; the land is the same.

The Whare-wānangas, the karakias, the tuāhus [altars], the pures [or sanctification] of man of different kinds, baptism of men with water, are all abandoned. So also are the powers to attract fish and birds, or to influence the growth of food-plants. At the present time, different karakias, different methods, different tapus, even a different language prevails.

Hence it is that the present teaching differs from that of the old priests, such as has been explained above [and as follows in later chapters]; and hence also it is that I impress on you the [former] aspect of these things, that you may be clear as to the descent of the măna-atua, [the god-like powers] even from Io [the Supreme God], and from the Whatu-kuras, Mareikuras, and the Apas of each separate heaven, down to the Patu-pai-arehe and Turehu.

At the present time those kinds of gods no longer exist; they have become degraded into reptiles, stones, and trees—such are the present gods. And the [true, original] reptile-gods, stone-gods, tree-gods no longer exist. Men now live in a wilderness; they are careless of these things; of everything.

It is for this reason that no māna [adequate power to make use of and apply this ancient knowledge] will be attained by you; and I also say to you that those things which you are writing [from my dictation] are but the ends, fragments, of the truth, a portion only of sacred things; the [anciently] established and true teaching has become effaced, as well as the [science of] the tapu, together with the true god-like powers that descended from Io-the-great, Io-the-parentless. Enough of these words to you.

-          Te Mātorohanga, Lore of the Whare Wānanga, 1913

Reference Link (Potential Response)

1 comment:

  1. Ua kaumaha loa no au, ke heluhelu i neia ha'i 'olelo. He 'o ia 'i'o no. Hiki ke 'ike ka hopena o ka hupo, i nalohia ho'i na kanaka a lehulehu a ke Aupuni hou. Mana'olana 'au, mau no ko kakou mau kupuna a me na 'aumakua i ho'omana ia kakou iho. A ka no na'e, mamuli o ka ho'olohe 'ole 'o kakou na kanaka, a hana kupono; ua ho'oka'awale ho'i ka wailua 'o iho. Penei no, 'a'ole hiki ia kakou e kukilakila i ke ao huli nei. A 'a'ole ho'i e ho'omana'o, pono e ho'omana i na Kupuna, na 'aumakua, a me na makua lani nui; a ho'i hou ka mana he nui. Pono e ho'omaka me ka ho'oikaika a'e la ko 'iho i ka hilina'i a me ka wiwo'ole ka ho'i. Eia no ku'u mana'o wale.
    mahalo no

    As I read this very proclamation here above, a notable heavyness weighs apon me. For it is indeed a truth. As it is clearly visable to all, the results of negligence, were as the sovreign individuals have been reduced to nothing, subsequently being a people of a new nation. I have every faith, our ancestors and Celestial deity still now continue to empower(in every way) each and every individual, from with-in. Nevertheless, as a result of the people's refusal to conform/ obey nor to act in a just and upright manner, communication/ confederation has broken off with the Higher Spirit. This is the type of thing that would be the cause of the lack of ability to govern (ourselves) in Righteousness and piety. And to disreguard the idea that it is nessesary, to humblely give reverance/ obey/ surrender to the will of our ancestors, Celestial deity, and the Creator/ origin of Life (Sky-Father, Earth-Mother;) and consequently having that empowerment returned ten-fold. It begins with strengthening and fortifying the Spirit, through faith and confidance. My thoughts here humbly presented.
    with much apreciation
