Monday, 26 September 2011

21. Multi-thinking

I studied the biographies of traditional shaman
specifically, their ability to develop their minds
enabling them to multi-task, or this case - multi think

The process is similar to programming a computer
to perform rudimentary and basic searches itself
Much like how we use CTRL + F
to find specific words on a document

With one push of the RETURN button
the computer locates any specific words you want
So you don't have to read through
the entire document or screens of text yourself

For the shaman, they utilise more of the brain
Where the normal part performs the perfunctionary
stuff that gets us through our day
Whilst the other part seeks answers for
the harder, more difficult or perplexing questions

Intiutive leaps come more and more
Steady streams of consciousness arrive
maybe as they're shopping, driving, emailing
or maybe as they're updating their blog

Even as they sleep or slumber
their minds are on autopilot
continually thinking for them
and giving them insights and answers
by the way of dreams either lucid, or not

This was a pathway to knowledge
where ancient ideas, theories and technology
could be discovered once again
Where knowledge existed without
the need for the perciever
or physical evidence or literature

This was a shaman's greatest tool
one of their greatest assetts
one providing enlightement
one providing automatic perception and defence

How do I know? I just thought about it
and found it in literature
and in the biographies of shaman...

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