Sunday, 16 October 2011

25. Waiting for my ride

Just after 6am the other morning my partner came back into the room after his shower to get ready for work and as I still lay in bed he told me he had just had a visitor in the bathroom. I asked, 'what happened?'

He said, he was having a shower when he noticed this white figure go past the glass shower doors and feeling a little afraid said, 'If you come for good, you're welcome to stay, if you come for bad you must go away". To which the figure stopped, moved toward the glass shower doors banged on them and left.

To help him get over this episode I congratulated him on facing the figure in a calm and respectful way and that I'd deal to it when I got up. I went for a shower that morning but nothing happened.

The following morning just before I woke I met the figure in a dream. It was a guy who was critically injured and he was in hospital. He and I chatted for a while until he told me he was waiting for his ride. On waking, I turned to face my partner and tell him of my dream but my partner had also had a significant dream at exactly the same time. My partner told me in his dream he was in a coma in a hospital bed and as my partner was waking up he could open his eyes but his body itself was still suffering from temporary paralysis?!

That morning I went for a shower and getting out of the shower I noticed the entire room was foggy despite the fact we have good airflow and it shouldnt get like that. I waited in the fog and felt a presence. I said a karakia in a calm and relaxed way to give comfort and solace rather than to scare, blast or vanquish and a few moments later the fog in the bathroom lifted completely - I then brushed my teeth....

Several hours later as I was driving I became aware that the guy was actually still alive in some hospital somewhere - that he was in a coma, and that his wairua was travelling. For several hours later I tried finding karakia with the purpose of sending wairua back to their bodies but came up with nothing.

In the end I was resolute that I'd just wait for him in dream time or take my time in the bathroom the next morning, but nothing ever eventuated. I'm hoping the karakia I did the morning before may have done the job...

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