Sunday, 20 November 2011

34. Hinetitama

Ko Hinetītama koe!
You are as beautiful as Hinetītama herself!

Well, I definitely feel as though I'm up in the clouds today after a visit from Hinetītama last night....I know! Hinetītama?! Just as I was nodding off, this figure came to the forefront of my mind I was my like, "Who are you? Oh - hello!!!" Honestly - for a few seconds I was totally dumbstruck!

If there was ever a search for a female role model then I think Hinetītama would be right up there aye! She just popped in, tilted her head and looked at me, and then left, but when I saw her face I knew who she was straight away. She looks like the progenitor of all Māori women! If you could imagine one single face that represented the looks of all Māori women that it would be the face of Hinetītama. She is incredible.

Her eyes are a light greeney blue colour and even though this colour might seem far from human, I'm starting to see that many spiritually enlightened and strong entities in te ao wairua have eye colours like these. Generally her face is much like the feminen depictions done by the artist Robyn Kahukiwa but her face is broader and the features more petite but utterly perfect - almost frightenly perfect. She has thick, black, straight shoulder length hair and with a small, petite moko kauae too.

For the last 2 weeks I've been crook with the flu but started back at work in this second week. Last night - before I went to bed I went outside to check on my garden and realised that in all this time I hadnt given thanks to te ao wairua, to the Atua, my tupuna or my guides because I had been self absorbed in looking after myself and making myself better.

So, I took a few minutes out just to sit in the moonlight, close my eyes and truly give thanks. I also asked 3 times to 'heal me, heal me, heal me please' when all of a sudden, a whisp of cool, light wind brushed against my face which made me open my eyes and give me the validation that everything was going to be alright. A few hours later, the epitome of beauty and wahine Māori and carer of the souls of humankind itself - pays me a visit.

Ko Hinetītama koe!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

31. The Mother Goddess

I look up and see you smiling down at me
You hold me close, stroking my head
I almost feel like a child again.

Tears began to well but you bring me in close
closer to your body to feel the cool, calm, comfort
of blue and grey scales soothing the fire within
finally allowing me to rest - just for the night

Te Whaea - Kaitiaki o Te Ahi - Ahi Hauora

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

31. The pinnacle of civilisation

All my life I thought human civilisation was the pinnacle of civilisation. I came to know my own culture pretty well, then became aware of it's spiritual dimension, and then the spiritual dimensions of other cultures.

Nek minit, began to get a peek into the culture of civilisations a lot older than ours, even before 'human' civilisation here on Earth, from other parts of the
Universe, other Universes, and other realities?!

Last week I told someone I admire, 'Gee whaea, my Universe just got a whole lot bigger', to which she laughed and gave me a great, big, hug.

On a personal level this discovery could be overwhelming, but humility simply tells me to say thank you for the reveal. Ka nui tera.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

30. Compassion for all things

I closed my eyes and found myself walking in a forest in the middle of autumn with orange, yellow and brown leaves all around and where the trees were long, tall and straight but utterly bare. This didnt seem like a NZ forest though - maybe like those English or European ones.

Anyway, Im walking along and see this creature standing just off my path. He looks like a mushroom with large, dark round eyes on either side of his mushroom head and a gaping mouth with sharp, jagged teeth. I wave to him and he acknowledges me by looking at me but then all of a sudden he grimaces and bares his teeth at me.

Early in the morning I had a dream of a woman with sharp pointed teeth and my fear had got the best of me, so when this fulla started grimacing at me and baring his teeth I just said, 'Hey, hey, calm down mate. No need for that. Come over here and we'll take a seat aye' to which he calmly came and plonked himself down.

I asked him, 'So, is this all you do just hang out in the forest aye?' He answered by nodding his head rapidly. I asked, 'Is it just you here or what?' to which he looked out over the forest and all of a sudden I saw heaps of these mushroom/tree fungus type people  moving around the forest.

I spotted one nearby and took a closer look and saw what those teeth were for. These mushroom fungus things grow on dead wood but what I saw was one of them using their jagged, sharp teeth to chew the dead wood.

It then came over me that maybe Im too judgemental when seeing new things - albeit things which might be a little frightening. Funny though that te ao wairua had to invent a whole race of people just to teach me a personal lesson.

I mean, these may have been real people but the bigger lesson here was to teach me about seeing the world - and others, in different ways and of being open and receptive....

Monday, 14 November 2011

29. Divine Love

As soon as I closed my eyes I saw a handsome guy in his late 20's early 30's coming up on an escalator - coming towards me with his eyes fixed on me. He was very handsome, really beautiful with an amazing presence and a heart felt longing and beauty in his eyes.

At the same time though, I was conscious of where he was coming from - from 'below', from perhaps even the 'underground' or even 'Hades'. Could this have been the beautiful Lucifier? If it was, then there I was welcoming him into the World and letting come directly at me without even an attempt to stop him?!

I woke up and sat straight up in bed with the knowledge that I had allowed this man into me and into the world. I sat at the end of my bed totally shocked and stunned and continually replaying the dream.

Several days later I became aware of a new trait or a new characteristic developing - of a new power and energy beginning to eminate from my being and impress apon others. It was divine love.

I began to do research about divine love and saw the ultimate personification of divine love - the Goddess Aphroditie. On reading more about the Goddess I became aware of a love triangle she has with Adonis and where for 6 months of the year he spends time with Persephone in the Underworld and for the other 6 months he spends it with Aphroditie.

In my dream, Adonis had now returned from the Underworld to be with his sweet heart Aphroditie for the next 6 months - to contribute to and revitalise true love, divine love, beauty through sexuality, and take his place once again as the God of all Young Men.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

28. The dog's heart

I lie beneath the poutokomanawa closing my eyes
I can still make out Tama ki Hikurangi
and I can still see the image of Te Kooti
hanging in his small frame above it

Small golden stars appear above me
They move into formation as a triangle
Puangahori (Procyon) and Pūtara (Betelgeuse)
Meeting below, meeting Takurua (Sirius)

The head of a black dog comes forward
and later I am reminded of Canis Major
Paying particular attention to Messier 41
The heart of the kuri - an 8 sided star

With it's mouth (Sirius) in front
With it's heart (M41) behind it
Is this the doorway to the heart
a doorway to eight sources of mauri,
all within a beloved dog's heart?

Te Mōkai o Te Kooti