Monday, 5 December 2011

36. Waddling off into the night

Well, I was shocked the other night to get a call for help from Tangaroa or at least the ocean itself in trying to cope with the Rena oil spill - shocked because this was the first time the natural elements came forward to ask for help as it had been people who had come through initially. Last night saw this new trend continue.

As I lay in bed I saw a black silhouette appear behind my closed eyes and on peering closer all I could see was a head with spikes?! I asked, 'What are you?' and the silhouette began to take on greater form until I saw spikes turn to tufts of feathers in dissaray, an eye and a beak, and then there was a penguin standing before me?!

It didnt take me long to figure out why there was a penguin eyeing me up - obviously asking for a little tautoko to cope with the oil disaster as well so I opened my peripheral vision even more to see what the situation really was or make it easier for the penguin to show me what they wanted.

Before me I saw tatty penguins standing on oil covered beaches looking all sad, forlorn and uttely exhausted. Another vision came of oil soaked and covered bodies of birds and other penguins strewn across the beach, but what concerned me even more were the black or grey whisps of smoke darting around the bodies of what must have been their former tinana. It concerned me cause I figured these must have been the wairua of the penguins and because of the confusion, suffering and death they mustve been in heaps of turmoil.

First things first - I went back to the living birds and penguins and envisaged them being showered with clean, fresh water and the oil coming off their coats. This was met with a vision of a penguin now shaking itself off all nice and clean.

Next thing was imagining that I was bringing all the wairua of all the suffering bird life together - hundreds of them, and of envisioning a bright, beautiful and warm light for all of them to see and go into. Funny though, I stood just off the beach and saw them all moving together and all waddling into the light.

What was even more funnier was when they entered the light they walked back out into darkness on the otherside. I guess nocturnal wildlife just have a different idea of what paradise is aye?!


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