Sunday, 24 June 2012

58. From the mouth of babes

Through the eyes of a child
I wake in my childhood bed
to a room cloaked in darkness
except for the moonlight
streaming in through the windows

I step out into the night to a sky
filled with a hundred moons and
my mother hanging washing and
giving me a comforting smile

Another challenge now awaits me
but this time a test of childhood fears
but matched with strengths and memories
before adulthood and a maturing psyche

The moons explode and disappear and
where the darkness now creeps forward
and the cold of night begins to lick and bite
and wrap itself around my young body

Fixed to a spot I sense a being like no other
and with my mouth I hiss and regurgitate
vowels and consonants of an ancient language
understood more by snakes and by reptiles

I have come home, I now remember
childhood nightmares and talking in tongues
but where I was haunted, torn and afraid
I now stand in my power and talk to the dark...

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