Monday 3 September 2012

79. Medicine from afar

A gold Moai stands to a backdrop of stars
shining yellow and gold as opposed to our white
A star scape or night sky of a land from afar
is what I now look at in wonder and awe

Rongoa or medicine comes from our plants
it comes from the earth, the water and air
Similarly must it come from the elements
which give this new World it's own life and own form

"May I have some? Not for me - for my planet?"
I ask the Mowai who looks down with a smile
and instantly do I breathe in gold air
and bask in the radiance of these foreign stars

It fills my whole body, my spirit and mind
and fills me with beauty and lifts me up high
I turn and I thank the gracious Moai
for these gifts and his grace, which makes my heart cry...

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