Security cameras come to the front of my mind
as my eyes close, settling in for the night
Lenses zoom in and lenses zoom out
watching me unaware that I've noticed you
Up through the lense now can I see
Splitting the camera in two like a cray
It's shell and its legs, all its working parts split
and revealed, there you are in panic and fear
What on earth could posses you to spy apon me
just a simple young fulla on a path of discovery?
But the parts of the camera now fall down around me
like bridges of iron, like knives made of steel?!
This path had its dangers, was fraught from the start
by envisioning fears manifesting the dark
But now people like you are appearing before me
spying and watching, but running when caught?!
Whether curious, stalking, recording or spying
You'll eventually come within plain visible sight
So approach me directly or ask what you will
Or come walk beside me and learn as we go
A travel log of PhD research in revitalising traditional Māori knowledge systems in Aotearoa New Zealand
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
38. The Medicine Man
To a backdrop of stars and the plains of the dessert
did the Medicine man, move and dance before me
Wearing a grey headdress, of wolf on his head
with his own long hair braided into those of the wolf
they swirled and unfurled as he side stepped and moved
and swung out to lure me and capture my gaze
Over his body did my own eyes now fall
over a body both tanned, chiseled and strong
Over his legs were tied leather of buffalo hide
stitched at the sides down to moccasined feet
But his eyes shone like stars drawing me in
Capturing, luring me to my own feet
He'd endear me, then turn and draw me in more
Until I myself danced and was stepping and swaying
He drew me in close till I held onto him now
and made me surrender - dancing together
I felt free, I felt light, I felt beauty and love
as the two of us danced to a backdrop of stars
did the Medicine man, move and dance before me
Wearing a grey headdress, of wolf on his head
with his own long hair braided into those of the wolf
they swirled and unfurled as he side stepped and moved
and swung out to lure me and capture my gaze
Over his body did my own eyes now fall
over a body both tanned, chiseled and strong
Over his legs were tied leather of buffalo hide
stitched at the sides down to moccasined feet
But his eyes shone like stars drawing me in
Capturing, luring me to my own feet
He'd endear me, then turn and draw me in more
Until I myself danced and was stepping and swaying
He drew me in close till I held onto him now
and made me surrender - dancing together
I felt free, I felt light, I felt beauty and love
as the two of us danced to a backdrop of stars
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
37. Gatekeepers
Well, my first meeting with a Gate Keeper almost made me think I was gonna die?! I had three hitch hikers at the time who decided to use me to try and get home to the light but the Gate Keeper wasnt having a 'green as Māori boy' coming in where he didnt belong so I got the big 'KAORE' with my hitch hikers laughing at me from off to the side.
At the end of this episode, and with the help of a tohunga - I learnt how to cleanse myself properly, slough them off, and then send them properly into the Light. Enter David Kukutai Jones into mahi wairua (July 2011).
Then at a spiritual hui several months ago we're all holding hands in a circle and channelling, praying, being love, and I turn around to see one of the nice kuia from the hui standing just off from me. Someone goes, 'here whaea, come and join the circle' to which she replies, 'No, I am the Gate Keeper of the West'. Where I spin around and she's looking straight at me?! I was feeling the love at that moment though and blew her a kiss which made her laugh and smile. We good now LOL
A month ago I met my next Guide in my moemoea and found out she's a Gate Keeper too, and then last night had another meeting with another one. It seems the Gate Keeper is an energy that inhabits different vessels so although it might be a different person standing in front of me during the day, or visiting me at night - it's still the Gate Keeper. Churrrr.
In the beginning I was terrified of the Gate Keeper but have now come to realise they have a specific mahi, a specific task, and I guess without them the Universe would be all a muck. I met another one last night as I inadvertently wondered through the Gate into Rarohenga (Hades) and when I realised I doubled back to the Gate and behind me the Gate Keeper - this time a Māori fulla in his late 20's - early 30's, shut it properly lol.
Arohaina ēnei pou e tiaki ana i tō tātou Ao nē
Love these ones who safeguard our Universe aye x
At the end of this episode, and with the help of a tohunga - I learnt how to cleanse myself properly, slough them off, and then send them properly into the Light. Enter David Kukutai Jones into mahi wairua (July 2011).
Then at a spiritual hui several months ago we're all holding hands in a circle and channelling, praying, being love, and I turn around to see one of the nice kuia from the hui standing just off from me. Someone goes, 'here whaea, come and join the circle' to which she replies, 'No, I am the Gate Keeper of the West'. Where I spin around and she's looking straight at me?! I was feeling the love at that moment though and blew her a kiss which made her laugh and smile. We good now LOL
A month ago I met my next Guide in my moemoea and found out she's a Gate Keeper too, and then last night had another meeting with another one. It seems the Gate Keeper is an energy that inhabits different vessels so although it might be a different person standing in front of me during the day, or visiting me at night - it's still the Gate Keeper. Churrrr.
In the beginning I was terrified of the Gate Keeper but have now come to realise they have a specific mahi, a specific task, and I guess without them the Universe would be all a muck. I met another one last night as I inadvertently wondered through the Gate into Rarohenga (Hades) and when I realised I doubled back to the Gate and behind me the Gate Keeper - this time a Māori fulla in his late 20's - early 30's, shut it properly lol.
Arohaina ēnei pou e tiaki ana i tō tātou Ao nē
Love these ones who safeguard our Universe aye x
Monday, 5 December 2011
36. Waddling off into the night
Well, I was shocked the other night to get a call for help from Tangaroa or at least the ocean itself in trying to cope with the Rena oil spill - shocked because this was the first time the natural elements came forward to ask for help as it had been people who had come through initially. Last night saw this new trend continue.
As I lay in bed I saw a black silhouette appear behind my closed eyes and on peering closer all I could see was a head with spikes?! I asked, 'What are you?' and the silhouette began to take on greater form until I saw spikes turn to tufts of feathers in dissaray, an eye and a beak, and then there was a penguin standing before me?!
It didnt take me long to figure out why there was a penguin eyeing me up - obviously asking for a little tautoko to cope with the oil disaster as well so I opened my peripheral vision even more to see what the situation really was or make it easier for the penguin to show me what they wanted.
Before me I saw tatty penguins standing on oil covered beaches looking all sad, forlorn and uttely exhausted. Another vision came of oil soaked and covered bodies of birds and other penguins strewn across the beach, but what concerned me even more were the black or grey whisps of smoke darting around the bodies of what must have been their former tinana. It concerned me cause I figured these must have been the wairua of the penguins and because of the confusion, suffering and death they mustve been in heaps of turmoil.
First things first - I went back to the living birds and penguins and envisaged them being showered with clean, fresh water and the oil coming off their coats. This was met with a vision of a penguin now shaking itself off all nice and clean.
Next thing was imagining that I was bringing all the wairua of all the suffering bird life together - hundreds of them, and of envisioning a bright, beautiful and warm light for all of them to see and go into. Funny though, I stood just off the beach and saw them all moving together and all waddling into the light.
What was even more funnier was when they entered the light they walked back out into darkness on the otherside. I guess nocturnal wildlife just have a different idea of what paradise is aye?!
As I lay in bed I saw a black silhouette appear behind my closed eyes and on peering closer all I could see was a head with spikes?! I asked, 'What are you?' and the silhouette began to take on greater form until I saw spikes turn to tufts of feathers in dissaray, an eye and a beak, and then there was a penguin standing before me?!
It didnt take me long to figure out why there was a penguin eyeing me up - obviously asking for a little tautoko to cope with the oil disaster as well so I opened my peripheral vision even more to see what the situation really was or make it easier for the penguin to show me what they wanted.
Before me I saw tatty penguins standing on oil covered beaches looking all sad, forlorn and uttely exhausted. Another vision came of oil soaked and covered bodies of birds and other penguins strewn across the beach, but what concerned me even more were the black or grey whisps of smoke darting around the bodies of what must have been their former tinana. It concerned me cause I figured these must have been the wairua of the penguins and because of the confusion, suffering and death they mustve been in heaps of turmoil.
First things first - I went back to the living birds and penguins and envisaged them being showered with clean, fresh water and the oil coming off their coats. This was met with a vision of a penguin now shaking itself off all nice and clean.
Next thing was imagining that I was bringing all the wairua of all the suffering bird life together - hundreds of them, and of envisioning a bright, beautiful and warm light for all of them to see and go into. Funny though, I stood just off the beach and saw them all moving together and all waddling into the light.
What was even more funnier was when they entered the light they walked back out into darkness on the otherside. I guess nocturnal wildlife just have a different idea of what paradise is aye?!
35. The cry of the sea
Just as I was about to nod off last night I had a vision appear in the front of my mind of waves of black tar ebbing and flowing - moving and shimmering in front of me. My first thought was, 'What the hell is that?' and on closer inspection I realised it was oil - the oil from the Bay of Plenty?!
Doing mahi wairua or spiritual work has only been a recent phenomenon for me - for like the last 3-4 months but in all of this work it's been people who have come forward. This was the first time ever that nature itself put out it's hand for help?!
My first thought was to find a way of breaking up the oil. I tried to imagine whirl pools breaking the oil up but the same vision came back to me of the oil ebbing and flowing telling me that wasn't going to work. I then tried envisioning Tāwhirimātea using wind to break it up but the same initial vision kept coming back. I was getting so desperate that I even tried envisioning my hand in the water shaking and mixing it up to disperse it but it was futile.
In my mind I desperately tried to find the scientific ways of how oil could be separated from water all the while praying for more enlightenment and knowledge to assist me. As I thought and prayed, I felt tears begin to well up in my closed eyes, and then eventually roll down my face and in my desperation I even thought of adding my own tears to the body of water in an effort to water down the oil?! It seemed as though nothing seemed to work and the sense of helplessness began to take over me and then anger came.
In my head I went over the actions and media releases from Government and I sensed what I believed was their total failure to act quickly and decisively. I also remembered the Company of the Rena and their admission that they had little liability but would try to contribute - they have little insurance against pollution liability but they have a large amount of legal insurance incase they end up in court, so in essence the Government does not have the financial resources to challenge them.
That's when it dawned on me that if New Zealand could'nt do anything then the United States of America could and if their shorelines were threatened then they would use all their political might and resources to make the company liable.
I imagined the sea currents carrying the oil directly from NZ to the States. All the currents carrying the oil like major pipelines and at the same time urging all the kaitiaki, children and all the entities of the ocean to stay out of the way. Within a few seconds, my initial vision of the oil and the waves began to slowly change and where they now began to crash against the shore.
There was still a mixture of black oil in them but not near as much as there was in the initial vision. I prayed more, I envisioned more, I concentrated on sending all that oil to the States, and the more I did, the more the vision of oil filled waves began to dissipate. I hope that my little karakia might go some way in fixing this disaster - I know that with the combined power of prayer and of karakia that there is a higher chance of this occurring but one of the personal realisations for me was the beginning of the natural elements themselves now beginning to make requests of me....
Tangaroa piki ake
Tutarakauika piki ake
Ruamano piki ake
Taea nga kino o te wai
Kia puta ki Rangiatea
Ko te Marangai
Tau atu e rea!
Tangaroa rise up
Tutarakauika rise up
Ruamano rise up
Cleanse the impurities from the waters
So that they may rise to the heavens of Rangiatea
To fall again settling and sustaining the earth
Karakia by Hohepa Kereopa (Tūhoe)
Doing mahi wairua or spiritual work has only been a recent phenomenon for me - for like the last 3-4 months but in all of this work it's been people who have come forward. This was the first time ever that nature itself put out it's hand for help?!
My first thought was to find a way of breaking up the oil. I tried to imagine whirl pools breaking the oil up but the same vision came back to me of the oil ebbing and flowing telling me that wasn't going to work. I then tried envisioning Tāwhirimātea using wind to break it up but the same initial vision kept coming back. I was getting so desperate that I even tried envisioning my hand in the water shaking and mixing it up to disperse it but it was futile.
In my mind I desperately tried to find the scientific ways of how oil could be separated from water all the while praying for more enlightenment and knowledge to assist me. As I thought and prayed, I felt tears begin to well up in my closed eyes, and then eventually roll down my face and in my desperation I even thought of adding my own tears to the body of water in an effort to water down the oil?! It seemed as though nothing seemed to work and the sense of helplessness began to take over me and then anger came.
In my head I went over the actions and media releases from Government and I sensed what I believed was their total failure to act quickly and decisively. I also remembered the Company of the Rena and their admission that they had little liability but would try to contribute - they have little insurance against pollution liability but they have a large amount of legal insurance incase they end up in court, so in essence the Government does not have the financial resources to challenge them.
That's when it dawned on me that if New Zealand could'nt do anything then the United States of America could and if their shorelines were threatened then they would use all their political might and resources to make the company liable.
I imagined the sea currents carrying the oil directly from NZ to the States. All the currents carrying the oil like major pipelines and at the same time urging all the kaitiaki, children and all the entities of the ocean to stay out of the way. Within a few seconds, my initial vision of the oil and the waves began to slowly change and where they now began to crash against the shore.
There was still a mixture of black oil in them but not near as much as there was in the initial vision. I prayed more, I envisioned more, I concentrated on sending all that oil to the States, and the more I did, the more the vision of oil filled waves began to dissipate. I hope that my little karakia might go some way in fixing this disaster - I know that with the combined power of prayer and of karakia that there is a higher chance of this occurring but one of the personal realisations for me was the beginning of the natural elements themselves now beginning to make requests of me....
Tangaroa piki ake
Tutarakauika piki ake
Ruamano piki ake
Taea nga kino o te wai
Kia puta ki Rangiatea
Ko te Marangai
Tau atu e rea!
Tangaroa rise up
Tutarakauika rise up
Ruamano rise up
Cleanse the impurities from the waters
So that they may rise to the heavens of Rangiatea
To fall again settling and sustaining the earth
Karakia by Hohepa Kereopa (Tūhoe)
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