Monday, 30 July 2012

67. Divine Love

Sitting beside me I'm filled with excitement
as attendants adorn us and clothe us together
In my hair do I wear blossoms and twigs
from beautiful peach trees of the most vibrant pink

Over your own handsome face do my adoring eyes fall
as your crystaline skin both shimmers and shines
and with oval, dark eyes as black as the cosmos
you look at me sweetly bringing peace to my heart

Quartz crystal flecks glimmer across your forehead
casting a memory of when I first saw you
Where deep in a star did your unborn soul sleep
but feeble and sick from years of neglect

With all of my heart and all of my soul
I covered you all with healing blue light
and now do I look on your amethyst nose
and trace the faint smile of your amethyst mouth

From opposite ends of the Cosmos itself
from differing times and different realities
shall star children be joined in a magical union
bringing about the creation of a new tree of souls

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

66. Kura Mahita

Horoia taku tinana ki nga wai o Inia
ki nga kupu karakia, o Satguru Shi Baba
Katahi ka haria enei pia e wha
ki roto ruma tatari ai e te kui Pakeha

Ko au anake e haria ki te Kingi o Te Pounamu
He Atua nui o Aiha e rite ki a Io
Manaakita ra e ia nga Rangi Tuhaha
a, ngaua nei ko te konui o tenei Atua Yu Huang

Ki tona mana ka haere au ki te kainga o taku whaea
Kei reira ko te Atua Buddha e kata, e mene ana
Ka hau mai hoki i te kuaha ko te AtuaVishnu
a, iria ki taku pani tona mana e

Kia mutu ki nga tikanga me nga kawa pai
ka tuku whakamoemiti a Muhammad ki te rangi
Ka hau mai nei te aroha e te Wheao Ihirama
kia tupu pai, nga taonga nei, ki roto i ahau

Sunday, 22 July 2012

65. Star Child

Within the interior of a warm, dark star
have you all slept, unattended for years
Millenia have passed, as you lay dormant
the Children of Ancients, Beautiful Star Babies

Quiet and alone have you lain for too long
barely alive, void of care and emotion
So with our own love, did we cover you all
hearing you sigh and breathe once again

Then born to the Earth in bodies so small
do your Heavenly spirits now have to contend
With senses so limited and emotions so raw
you feel your hearts burst or your skin crawl

But now as adults do you wander the Earth
touching the trees and smelling the wind
Perhaps in your lifetime, you'll see us walk by
drawn straight towards us, but not knowing why....

Monday, 16 July 2012

64. Gatekeepers

At the front of the class she laughs and she smiles
inspiring her students as they go through their lessons
and into the evening she waters her garden
and caresses the petals of beautiful flowers

Another one smokes as she kneads the paraoa
but mindful of mokos about her own feet
and as all the manu come back to the trees
she'll run a hot bath and set in for the evening

A young guy sits, a top a beer crate
and tunes his guitar while talking with mates
But as light recedes and his eye sight grows dim
he reckons it's time that he called it a night

As they sleep, as they slumber, as the snore, as they talk
their spirits awaken and take up their charge
To the east, to the west, to the north, or the south
they take their positions to protect and to guard

They let in the Light or bring about Dark
they inspire creation in sound or in dance
They convey the new souls to expectant mums
or carry the mournful to peace or to rest

All of these duties are not without danger
unmentionable forces also at work
But with their stout hearts they will stand and defend
wielding God's power right to the end

Sunday, 15 July 2012

63. Swords of Light

Propped up against the wall of my bedroom
two thin crystal swords glow brilliantly white
With one do I swallow and the other impale
ingesting their power and all of their might

Within an instant, I'm called to arms
alone in the dark with both swords in hand
and rise into the air above a small house
and protect all of those who dwell underneath

With weapons extended I turn round and round
three times anti-clockwise - cutting the air
and below me is shrieking, screaming and cries
as shadows are cast out or caused to take flight

And back down to the ground and to my own bed
do I find myself fall and go back to sleep
and when the Sun shines as I open my eyes
I feel my heart smile, way deep down inside

Thursday, 12 July 2012

62. Elemental waka

The afternoon sun shines down upon me
as I find myself down the back of the boat
the day has been beautiful with unending love
but it's time for the Elements to return to their homes

Creating a wake with my hoe in the water
the waka slows down and moves to the jetties
Spirits of faceless people embark
back on board to the songs of all of it's passengers

Our waka is led by one, single woman
who sings with beauty, bravado and love
As her songs touch the ears of all of God's servants
they're reminded it's time, once again to depart

Fully extended my oar pushes off
from the riverbed floor way down below us
We move into the current of fast flowing water
and out onto the stars and into the night.

61. Papatuanuku

In the dim, dark corner of my mother's wash house
a young Papatuanuku stands forgotten and alone
She wears her school uniform off her small frame
a cardigan of dark green and a tartan, green dress

Lost and forlorn, tired and forgotten
her young body trembles from exhaustion and cold
She turns to face me with dark, hazel eyes
the sadness of which, goes straight to my soul

She once was revered and held in esteem
and where prayer and ritual were offered to her
But here she now stands amongst laundry and litter
relegated and sent to the back of the house

She gave rise to the Sun and a bed to the Moon
and fed civilisations for a million odd years
but no-longer can she, now feed or sustain
the appetite and hunger of modern day man

I take from my bag a pounamu stone
which sparkles and shimmers bright pink from my touch
As she takes it in hand her hazel dark eyes
begin to turn yellow and brilliantly gold

Our Papatuanuku will soon come of age
where her body will grow and her spirit will soar
and spiritually we will have to evolve
no-longer sustained, by those things of old...