Tuesday 28 August 2012

77. Gift from a Lover

Spring approaches and is heralded in
with birds in the air and the buzzing of bees
New flowers open and dance on the breeze
as lambs jump and play, and run across fields

Handsome young guys now smile and grin
making pretty young girls giggle and laugh
and ever so lightly does a warm gentle wind
run over my body and over my face

With a ram or horned horse, at each of it's ends
does a vision, of a brilliant, gold bracelet appear
A gift signalling, his impending arrival
and bringing with him, renewal and life

From the depths of the Underworld will Adonis arrive
having spent half the year with Persephone
God of Man, God of Youth, of desire and beauty
returns to his first wife, the great Aphrodite

Tamanuitera is exactly the same
after having spent time with Hinetakurua
but with birds in the air and the buzzing of bees
he returns once again, to Hineraumati

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